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About us

Jake and I have known each other or Jake or I have been together for Almost 2 years. Independently we have cared for special needs children and adults, have done home cleaning, cared for the ill, actively helped run a dairy farm, worked in the food service business, opened, staffed and ran 3 to 7mm dollar businesses, recruited for Store Managers, District Managers, and C level Salespeople.

Collectively we have more than fifty years of experience effectively helping others live their best life and manage the ups and downs of sales and customer service. Jake’s schooling includes culinary school and mine includes a liberal arts endeavor. We both share a lot in common both personally and professionally. I’ve always wanted to start my own business but, never found the right fit for partnership until most recently.

Professionally speaking Jake and I will often talk about the type of service we receive when we dine out, go shopping, or even as we cross the border through customs. The reason was we are so passionate about Greiner Clean and Clear LLC. Is because we understand what the customer’s experience should look like. We can appreciate long hard workdays that go on and on. We both know what it feels like to put in 12 hours and still must come home and cook, clean and ensure the bills get paid.

Before and after

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